Meet Your Interior Decorator
& Fellow Sleep Lover

I’m Kathryn!

As a highly sensitive person, I know how impactful lighting, sound, and design can be on your mental and physical state; ESPECIALLY when those things are affecting your precious sleep.

When it comes to designing your space, my top priority is your well-being and creating a bedroom that truly relaxes you, so that you can rest easy and live your best life (while being kind to the planet in the process).

I believe better sleep can make the world a better place.

Unlock Serenity

In this fast-paced, bustling world, the sacred power of home holds something truly magical. Whether you live in a small apartment, a van, or a standard house, there's immense potential to transform your space into a comforting retreat.

My Favorite Design Styles

A beige patterned chair sits in a corner of a room designed by interior decorator Kathryn Ray. There is a red patterned pillow, candles lit, and a bookshelf as accents to the chair.
  • Think - all the plants!

  • A cozy, soft, version of farmhouse style with more personal items

  • Sleek and simple design with warm wood tones and neutrals.

  • Think - Lots of patterns and color!

  • A mix of all kinds of styles!

  • Think - sleek lines and organic shapes

  • Includes timeless, beautiful pieces from years past.

Design Principles I Believe In


Purchasing items you LOVE and that you’re going to enjoy for a long time is a priority in my design work. I’m not a fan of commercialism and the wastefulness that comes along with it. We take the process slow, allowing you to be mindful of the items you bring in to your space. The goal is an more eco-friendly approach to everyday living.


Using pieces that are passed down through your family, that you purchased on a trip, or that were given as a gift - all of these things are what make a home feel like home. We utilize these special items within your design because they are the most important piece. They are what remind you of the beautiful life you are living, and that is the whole point of design!


I 100% believe that the design of a space should make your life easier (or at least more enjoyable) to live. I will never encourage you to do something or purchase an item just because it looks good. We dig into the way you use your home and how we can make it function better for those experiences.