How Design Helps You Sleep

Research shows that your environment, and it’s design, greatly impacts your sleep patterns.

As a girl who loves her sleep, and struggles greatly without it, I specialize in designing beautiful bedrooms to help you catch all the z’s you need to live your best life.

How it works:





Pick a Service option (listed below).

Reach out on my contact page to get started.

I help you design your bedroom sanctuary.

You enjoy longer, better, deeper sleep!

The Sleep Advice Session

Enjoy a simple and sweet 1-hour virtual consultation where I provide you with advice and tips to make your room more comfortable and ready for rest!


This is for you if:

  • You just want a little advice on ways you could re-arrange your room, or items you could buy to test out sleeping better.

  • You don’t feel ready to invest in making over your entire space

  • You have a specific question about a problem with your bedroom that you want advice on.

To Help You Sleep Sooner

Virtual Room Design Options

To Help You Get Started

The Dreamy Design Plan

Turn your bedroom into a sanctuary of sleep with this virtual design plan that we create in collaboration to meet your unique desires.


This is for you if:

  • You are ready to upgrade your bedroom space and make it more sleep friendly

  • You are interested in swapping out furniture, or painting the walls, or

  • You want to walk away with a design plan ready to go, providing you with the exact blueprint to better sleep.

I’m here to help!
The sooner we start, the sooner you can sleep.