Online Room Design: Your Ultimate Decorating Game-Changer


The Virtual Interior Design Revolution

Hey there, design enthusiasts, DIY decorators, and home makeover aficionados! I'm Kathryn, your virtual interior decorator extraordinaire, and I'm here to spill the beans on why online room design is not just a trend but a game-changer in the world of home decor.

As a decorator who helps people plan out their rooms (and works to make them as holistic as possible) via the internet, I know how special this service is.

Grab your favorite blanket, settle into your comfiest chair, and let's embark on a fun journey into why the world of online interior design is super awesome!

A desk set up shows a computer with an online room design on the screen amidst a minimalist white room with minor wood details.

Online Room Design

The term "interior decorator" might conjure images of someone strolling through your home with a clipboard, swatches of fabric in hand, and possibly a tape measure hanging from their neck. But, my friends, times have changed, and so has the world of interior design (Not sure the difference between these terms? Read this blog to clarify).

Nowadays, you don't need someone physically present to transform your space into a holistic haven. Enter the era of virtual interior decorators, where design dreams are brought to life through the magic of technology and creativity. So, why choose a virtual decorator over an in-person one?

I’m sharing my top 5 reasons - Let's dive right into it!

A girl with dreads is holding a coffee cup while sitting at a table, smiling, and waving at her laptop computer.

01. Convenience at Your Fingertips

Picture this: You're in your pajamas, sipping on your morning coffee, and browsing through a personalized design plan on your computer. With virtual interior decorators, you can seamlessly integrate your design project into your daily routine.

No need to schedule in-person meetings, drive across town, or wait for appointments. It's all about flexibility and convenience, making the process enjoyable and hassle-free.

Online interior design is all about collaboration tailored to your preferences. You're not tied to anyone's schedule but your own. Want to brainstorm design ideas at 2 AM in your pajamas? No problem! Virtual decorators are just a message away.

Plus, with digital platforms and virtual meetings, you can easily communicate your vision and feedback, making sure your space reflects your personality and style.

A view from above of a person sitting at a desk calculating their budget with a calculator, notes, etc.

02. Budget-Friendly Magic

Believe it or not, going virtual can actually save you some bucks!

Online interior decorators often have lower overhead costs compared to their in-person counterparts. This means they can provide you with the same level of expertise and creativity without breaking the bank. So, you get that dreamy design transformation without sacrificing your savings.

You will probably have to do a tiny bit more work (like measuring your space and sending photos), but if you would rather spend that extra money on your finalized space, it’s absolutely worth it!

A group of 3 people of different ethnicities are sitting in a room that is designed in a modern way, smiling and laughing with each other.

03. Make The World A Better Place

Online room design can become a powerful force for good in our world, making it a better, more joyful place. It offers affordable services that empower people to transform their living spaces into havens of peace, joy, and relaxation, regardless of their location or budget.

By eliminating traditional barriers, virtual decorators spread a sense of harmony, one thoughtfully designed room at a time, fostering well-being and happiness within a wide range of homes and communities

It's a heartfelt reminder that a peaceful and inviting living space is not a luxury, but a gift that everyone deserves.

04. Eco-Friendly Decorating

Online room design doesn't just make our living spaces beautiful; it's also a champion of sustainability and responsible consumption.

Virtual decorators can create a comprehensive plan that doesn't just focus on purchasing new items, but also provides invaluable guidance on sourcing thrifted, antique, or second-hand treasures. By promoting the idea of repurposing and reusing, some designers empower homeowners to embark on exciting treasure hunts at flea markets, thrift shops, and online marketplaces (at least that’s what I do!).

This not only adds a unique and vintage charm to the space but also promotes the ethos of reducing waste and conserving resources. It's a win-win situation, as you get to curate a space filled with character while also contributing to a more sustainable and eco-conscious world.

Style and ethics can go hand in hand, and each piece of furniture with a history can be a beautiful addition to your room's story.

A family is sitting in a loft space smiling and waving at a computer while talking to an online room designer.

05. Personal, But Streamlined

Many might think that the virtual aspect would mean a loss of the personal touch. But, thankfully that’s not true! You actually have the chance to work with the ideal designer that feels like a good fit for you. You aren’t pigeon holed into choosing a designer that is local to where you live, and this can make a world of difference.

Once you find someone that seems like a good fit, your online interior decorator can still build a relationship with you and are going to be more skilled at understanding your unique needs.

Through virtual chats, video messages, and emails, a good online room designer will infuse warmth, personalization, and charm into every interaction. It's like having a decorator friend who just happens to be an expert in all things design!

A couple is sitting on a black couch in their white living room smiling while on a laptop.

Dream It, Decorate It :
The Virtual Way

In a world where interior design is evolving, the rise of virtual decorators is breaking down barriers and bringing this service to a broader audience. Online Room Designers are here to deliver convenience, sustainability, and budget-friendly values, making the decorating process not just enjoyable but better for the planet.

So, if you've been daydreaming about giving your space a makeover, then online room design could be your game-changer!

With some collaboration, a sprinkle of creativity, and the help of technology, we can turn your decorating dreams into reality, all while savoring that cup of coffee in your pajamas.


Meet The Designer

Hey y’all! I’m Kathryn.

Interior Decorator, Plant Lover, Peacemaker

Crafting spaces for everyday people that exude coziness and warmth is my true passion. Balancing functionality with aesthetics is a cornerstone of my holistic design approach. It's the perfect blend of practicality and beauty that brings both ease and comfort into your world. You truly deserve nothing less!



Kathryn Ray

Evergreen Era Design is based in Asheville, NC.

Make Your Asheville NC Home a Sanctuary With a Professional Interior Decorator


What is Holistic Interior Design?